Linking scientific data, publications, and communities

Seamless Astronomy at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics brings together astronomers, computer scientists, information scientists, librarians and visualization experts involved in developing tools and systems to study and enable the next generation of online astronomical research.

Current projects include research on the development of systems that seamlessly integrate scientific data and literature, the semantic interlinking and annotation of scientific resources, the study of the impact of social media and networking sites on scientific dissemination, and the analysis and visualization of astronomical data and research communities. 

Demo Fests

Annual community-wide presentations by experts in data visualization, research, education, and software.

Monthly informal discussions led by CfA and guest experts on software development and systems, data science and visualization, and more.

Publications &



For inquiries or questions, please email Eric Koch (

See our About  page for more contact information.